Tumblrpony Wiki


"Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle! I have discovered a spell that allows me to communicate with other dimensions through this strange thing called "Tumblr". For the sake of research (not because I'm lonely or anything.) I would appreciate it if you could ask me any thought provoking questions! Just don't expect me to be your friend or anything. Friendship is a joke."

This isn't my blog, but actually my boyfriend's. Its brand new and hasn't gotten much attention yet. He has some brilliant ideas for the storyline, but won't get a chance to use them if nobody asks anything! His pony-drawing skills are improving quickly, too, and this will help!

So, if you could, go and check it out! Maybe throw a question or two his way, and help him get noticed? I think it has potential to be an awesome ask-blog.

Thanks guys, this means a lot to me, and to him.

(He also doesn't know I'm trying to promote him like this, I think it'd be a nice surprise for him to wind up with a few questions for once. :) )
